Breaking Free from Disempowerment // Ep 8

What does it actually look like to make brave choices with our lives? What is required to make those leaps of faith? What about when everyone around you isn't supportive of the changes you want to make or what you want to create? 

In this episode I share some context of my own background of being raised in and eventually leaving a really strict, controlling, high-demand fundamentalist religion, as well as being misdiagnosed for over 2 decades with a mental illness (which was actually just somatic effects of childhood trauma).

My hope in sharing my story is that it will give you context to understand the perspectives that I share here on the In Flow + On Fire podcast, while also hopefully inspiring you to honor your own story and be brave with your life. 


Facing Our Darkest Fears // Ep 9


How to Stop Shaming Yourself & Create Something Better // Ep 7