Facing Our Darkest Fears // Ep 9

Life can be lovely & joyful… Until it isn't.

Suddenly, often when we least expect it, things can change overnight.
Over the past 5 months, this has been my experience.

As Charles Dickens said, it has been “the best of times and the worst of times."

And yet, from what I'm hearing, I know I'm not alone. This has been a hard year for many of us.

To make matters seem even harder, I believe the age of us buying into the “top 10 tricks” or the latest product sensation to make us feel better has ended. It was great marketing for awhile, but the charm has worn off. As a collective we're recognizing the need for feel good solutions that actually work and last. Complex problems don't often have simple solutions.

It can be all too easy to get stuck in the messy middle where we don't quite know what to do to really make peace with our life circumstances, but also don't know how to cope and grow through them in really “in flow + on fire” ways.

There is a mass epidemic of anxiety, depression, loneliness and loss of meaning and purpose. Instead of thriving, we're waking up to the fact that no matter how much money we have or if we're with our “soul mate” or if we've lost those 20 pounds… we're still just mostly surviving.

If you're currently struggling or loving someone through their own “dark night of the soul,” today's In Flow + On Fire podcast episode is for you.

In today's IFOF episode, “Facing Our Darkest Fears," I'm giving you an exclusive in-depth view of what it's been like to successfully walk through one of the darkest nights of my soul thus far. I decided to hold nothing back in sharing my story because I believe that we don't talk about these types of struggles enough, which keeps them scary and unknown, and makes it so lonely and hopeless when you or someone you know is struggling in similar ways.

Hoping in sharing what helped me move through this, especially in a way that truly felt like a massive step to greater wholeness, that it will help lighten you or someone you love's load, while also bringing you hope.

But, it requires courage (& skill) to claim it. ❤️‍🔥

And hopefully knowing someone who has walked through this will help you find that courage even more easily.



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Breaking Free from Disempowerment // Ep 8